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< Previousspecialist loss Are you seeing a bigger shift from replacement to restoration? If so, please explain further. Chris Edwards: There is certainly a shift in the right direction. That said, there is a lot more that can be done. During very busy periods – such as a weather surge, or large-scale project work – a replacement option is still used in many cases as the preferred approach. This is usually because there is no one centrally with the knowledge and expertise to triage what can be repaired and what needs to be replaced. Specialist restorers should work with insurers and loss adjusters to develop this further. Collaboration is key to achieving a complete change in approach. Kathryn Rodgers: On the whole we are seeing a positive change in restoration over replacement as insurers, loss adjusters and damage management technicians gain greater understanding of the benefits of restoring contents over replacement. Increased understanding of what can be achieved has been important in this – all too often opportunities to restore were missed in the past because those involved in the claim assumed the damage to be too severe to address. Specialist restorers have also been able to demonstrate the financial savings of restoration over replacement and of course we must not forget that with specialist contents there is not always a replacement option. However, there is still a long way to go to ensure that restoration options are explored early in the claim. We still see that there are delays in appointing the appropriate specialists, which can increase damage and increase restoration costs if secondary damage escalates. Cash settlement continues of course and on many claims it becomes clear that specialist contents cannot always be easily replaced within sums available, if at all. Ongoing efforts by specialist restorers to demonstrate the benefits of restoration over replacement to the industry continue, and slowly but surely, over time we see that a better understanding of the value of specialist restoration increases restoration rates. Kathryn Rodgers Chris Edwards OPINIONS AND EXPERTISE FROM THE BDMA EXECUTIVE BOARD The BDMA can help you find your ideal candidate and achieve your hiring goals across the wider insurance industry. The recruitment section of the BDMA website is designed to support those in the damage management and associated industries by showcasing available job opportunities. RECRUITMENT Contact to find out how you can advertise via the BDMA website. Take a look at current vacancies by visiting: 10 specialist lossthe standard insight Why betterment should be the future in property claims The conversation of resilient building materials is in full flow across the wider insurance industry, associated industries and communities who are at risk of flooding. Communities are becoming even more vulnerable today with climate change causing an increase in surface water floods and flash floods. Whilst preventative strategies are being encouraged for property owners, a further talking point needs to highlight the benefits of adopting flood resilient/resistant repairs when incidents do take place. Hard strip-out vs. soft strip-out During the claims process for flooded properties, soft strip-outs are advised as quicker, cost-effective and sustainable solutions. Yet, sometimes hard strip- outs are ultimately the only available route to be taken. With this in mind, the industry must still look to add value for policyholders by taking resilient measures to reduce the chances of reoccurring damage from future floods. During both hard and soft strip-out processes, different resistant building materials can be utilised, or damage resilient actions can be carried out without adding higher cost implications. There does not need to be a bigger claim spend, but instead a positive increase in material efficiency. This therefore reassures property owners and occupiers for the future and gives insurers lower chances of high pay-outs and claim settlements. Innovations It is pleasing to see how building materials have developed in recent years – especially in terms of sustainability and resilience. From waterproof, to decay-resistant materials, more attention has been paid to developing products which can better resist water. Meanwhile we have seen a development in drying technology such as target drying and remote accelerated drying which improves the opportunities for repairing property damage and leads to faster processes of installing resilient materials. These innovations combined should be one of the first considerations when dealing with properties in flood prone communities. Advantages to consumers and insurers We can no longer treat flood incidents as a one case scenario for each policyholder. Our responsibilities as an industry arguably mean that we should be proactively helping consumers and businesses with futureproofing their properties from floods. Betterment of materials reap rewards by driving down future disruptions, shortening claim life cycles, and limiting claims costs and premiums. Therefore, education must be provided, not only of the benefits but for the building materials available to increase the likelihood of a better solution. Some property owners have a lack of understanding for what products are accessible on the market, for example, flood doors are still alien to many. We are confident that by driving awareness and prioritising resilient repair solutions, the industry can make a great deal of difference in the coming years. 11 the standard insightlearning & development What can specialised commercial damage management training do for you? Expertise and advanced knowledge in damage management techniques is critical throughout a career in property restoration. Yet there is often a misconception that all skills are transferrable between residential and commercial properties, when the buildings dealt with can be so diverse that actually different skillsets are required. Further than techniques and expertise, the health and safety of visiting or restoring a commercial site as opposed to a residential property can vary significantly. Developing an understanding of the definitive needs for commercial damage management can set a BDMA member up for future career progression and enhance their capabilities for versatile working roles. The BDMA has developed the Certificate in Commercial Damage Management to formally recognise the specific skills and experience needed for individuals who work predominantly in the commercial damage management sector. It is open to any current BDMA member from Associate to Accredited. 12 learning & development BDMA Certificate in Site Health & Safety – Part 1 of the Certificate in Commercial Damage Management If you are already a BDMA accredited Technician, Senior Technician or Claims Practitioner you will have access to Part 1 free as part of your membership. The course covers modules of general Health & Safety on site – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Working at Height, Asbestos Awareness, Working in Confined Spaces, Manual Handling, Accident Reporting (RIDDOR), Fire Safety, Electrical Safety, Risk Assessment, Noise Awareness, and COSHH followed by an overall assessment. Candidates must pass the assessment to achieve the certificate and proceed to Part 2. Part 2: The BDMA Certificate in Commercial Damage Management Part 2 covers modules of Health & Safety written and selected for their relevance to Commercial Operatives – Access Equipment, Scaffolding, Work Equipment, Use of Harnesses, Method Statements and Permits to Work, Waste Awareness, Water Damage Principles, and Fire Damage Principles followed by an overall assessment. The syllabus consists of two parts: Sign up to the BDMA e-Academy to start your training for the Certificate in Commercial Damage Management: guest feature Guidance for Water-Damaged Artworks: How The Supply Chain Can Help Julia Stockdale guest feature Many art collectors try to salvage items themselves before professional restoration work can feasibly begin. Trying to quickly rescue sentimental and important artworks understandably becomes a priority for many people. As a professional restoration company, our own priority is to advise clients, loss adjusters and insurance companies on how to avoid items being damaged further, either by good intentions or the natural course of deterioration. How artworks are handled immediately after the initial incident and before restoration is crucial. A series of key steps can minimise further damage and subsequently reduce claim costs. The practical advice and educational presentations we provide to the insurance sector (including insurance companies, loss adjusters and damage management organisations) clear up the myths and misinformed online content to provide accurate and up-to-date information. After the discovery of damage, artworks should be promptly removed from their hanging place and laid flat on a clean surface. Acting quickly to engage restoration services is crucial. Placing the painting flat and face up will assist if the surface paint layer has started to crack and flake from water penetrating through the back of the canvas. Many paintings we receive have obtained damage after being displayed on walls where water has travelled down from an upstairs bathroom. Artwork should be left to dry naturally and slowly while indoors. Keeping it By Julia Stockdale, Key Account Manager - Fine Art RestoratioN COMPANY uncovered is important for a number of reasons; placing in a bag can create a ‘microclimate’ for mould growth and wrapping in cloth or bubble wrap can adhere to a painting’s surface, leaving impressions and potentially lifting paint when removed. After contact with water, the appearance of an artwork will alter. Consequently, when water seeps into the protective varnish layer blanching occurs, causing the painting to take on a frosty look. Although it's tempting to try and ‘brush off’, minimal intervention to the surface is crucial. The same goes if you discover a water-damaged painting that has been in an attic or garage and is covered in mould. Brushing mould spores escalates the damage caused. Of course, water damage is often not ‘new’ but happened some time ago. The same advice applies: isolate artwork in a cool, dry and light environment, keep uncovered and separate from unaffected artworks. By removing artworks from unsuitable conditions and carrying out these key actions, the decontamination and restoration treatments will be less intensive, and therefore less costly. We enjoy visiting companies in the insurance sector to provide educational presentations for loss adjusters and claims handlers and being an approved supplier for insurance and damage management companies. With exposure to this education, support and varied case studies, loss adjusters and claims handlers have better knowledge to minimise damage and reduce claim costs. When artworks and contents are damaged, specialists are required to assess the severity and provide a plan for conservation. Artworks damaged by an escape of water can become susceptible to a variety of subsequent issues leading to substantially more damage. Before After14 BDMA CONFERENCE BDMA CONFERENCE BDMA CONFERENCE 2019 EXHIBITOR & SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES In line with the BDMA’s 20 th anniversary, the BDMA conference’s theme is ‘Defining the 21 st Century Landscape’, which will explore how the damage management sector can drive the change necessary to secure a bright future, whilst also reflecting on the past 20 years. A hub for insurance companies, damage management companies, loss adjusters, brokers, surveyors and associated sectors, we are delighted to present many exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities for organisations who wish to promote their support for the BDMA and raise awareness of their presence in the insurance sphere. See your business’ name in shining lights by sponsoring one of the following: • The BDMA Chairman’s cocktail reception • A street-food stall for launch networking evening • A BDMA Award • Awards Dinner table wine To submit an application to sponsor one of the above, or request exhibitor space please visit: Contact if you have any queries. Showcase your business directly to industry decision makers by exhibiting your services: • Table-top exhibitor space - £700 + VAT (including 1 free delegate place) • Single exhibitor space - £1,200 + VAT (including 1 free delegate place) • Double exhibitor space - £2,400 + VAT (including 2 free delegate places) All exhibitors will receive 15% discount on up to 4 more delegate places. 6th – 7th November 2019 Hinckley Island15 BDMA AWARDS 2019 BDMA AWARDS 2019 BDMA AWARDS 2019 NOW OPEN! The BDMA Awards celebrate companies, individuals and partnerships across the wider insurance industry, who have demonstrably made a positive difference through the work they have delivered in the past 12 months. The renowned awards ceremony will take place at the BDMA Conference 2019: Defining the 21 st Century Landscape, on the evening of Thursday 7 th November. The categories are… Damage Management Technician of the Year Claims Practitioner of the Year Insurance Technician of the Year Specialist of the Year Young Achiever of the Year (30 or under) Domestic Damage Management Project of the Year Commercial Damage Management Project of the Year Supplier of the Year Claims Team of the Year Setting the Standard Award Partnership Project of the Year Sustainability Initiative of the Year Best Use of Technology BDMA Fellowship Award It is free to enter the BDMA Awards, and applicants will be judged by the BDMA and external parties within the industry. Awards entry deadline: Friday 6 th September 2019 at 5pm. Finalist shortlist announcement: Friday 4 th October 2019. Visit: the standard insight CASE STUDY : quick response saves vital documents Overview When critical documents are affected by an escape of water, rapid response is vital. The movement of moisture through files and boxes increases the level of primary damage, and if the reaction and treatment are both delayed, mould growth, ink migration and distortion can occur. To minimise the cost, complexity and length of time taken to rectify the damage, the documents should be identified, extracted and stabilised as soon as possible. Problem A records management company was extending some shelving units within its warehouse. Stored within the units were several thousand boxes which contained records belonging to a leading UK financial services company and a large NHS trust, among other institutions. One day, the shelving units came into accidental contact with a sprinkler head which activated the fire suppression system. Despite the site staff’s attempt to act quickly, the escaping water reached over 3,000 storage boxes. The company contacted Harwell later that day, following a recommendation of its insurers. Harwell technicians arrived the following morning to inspect the damage, provide an estimate for restoration and establish the next steps. Solution With a fear of mould growth setting in, Harwell’s priority was to extract the boxes from the shelving and separate the saturated items from those less damaged. The boxes which avoided any water damage were transferred to a safe, dry area. Those which suffered damage to the very bottom corners were repackaged, provided with a new barcode and upturned to air out any moisture. They were then ventilated, ready to be reassessed by Harwell later that week. No further treatment was required for these boxes. By focusing on these lightly damaged boxes very quickly, the overall scale of the damage was minimised. Any boxes that were seriously wet were treated away from the damage site at Harwell's high security premises. Harwell began the recovery process the following day, freezing and vacuum-drying 1,025 boxes. To meet business continuity requirements, the client requested that Harwell fast- tracked a selection of boxes through the process. Harwell’s Project Manager had discussed any operational continuity needs with the client at the point of salvage, so was able to earmark crucial items for priority return while liaising with the client throughout. Following the restoration, the Business Manager of the company commented: I can honestly say that we have been delighted with the work that Harwell carried out on our behalf to restore our documents following a sprinkler mishap. The whole scenario was a first for us, but when I met with Harwell’s Project Manager I was instilled with bags of confidence to know that we were employing the correct supplier to sort out our problems. The whole process was explained so well and everything happened exactly as I was told it would. Harwell were brilliant in providing help, advice and constant updates along the way. I would have no hesitation of using their services again, or in recommending them to others. Well done and many thanks. our industry in action our industry in action17 guest feature Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) are best described as construction methods that differ from ‘traditional construction’ in that there is more focus on off-site construction and using factory-built or modular components. MMC are becoming increasingly common in the construction industry and are likely to be one initiative to help enable the Government to meet their target of building 300,000 homes each year by the mid-2020s. MMC have a wealth of benefits over traditional methods of construction which can be summed up as; more buildings, in less time and for less money. MMC clearly has advantages, however, as with any new development, there are some questions that insurers and building damage professionals require answers to before the benefits can be fully enjoyed. How resilient are MMC buildings? From the perspective of a property insurer, understanding the resilience of MMC buildings to perils, such as floods, fire, etc is key to estimating potential losses. There is currently a lack of evidence and data related to the claims costs for MMC buildings compared to the wealth of data on traditional methods of construction which is used to underwrite the risk for standard properties. MMC materials are untested under duress which means insurers can only tentatively predict their behaviour and the level of damage buildings using these materials may suffer. How then will insurers be able to assess the potential risks of damage following a fire to a property constructed with prefabricated panels if they do not know how the panels will react and/or contribute to a fire? Therefore, manufacturers and developers should aim to prove that the resilience and long-term durability of the complete MMC buildings and key components have been tested and understood in real-world scenarios. How easy and cost-effective is repairing a MMC building? There is a lack of information concerning the practicalities and costs of repairing, maintaining and modifying MMC builds. Due to the nature of MMC, minor damage to one component can cause disproportionate claims costs. For example, minor damage to a bathroom pod may lead to that whole pod being removed from the building, sent back to the factory to be repaired and replaced, which can lead to significant disruption to residents, as well as increased costs to the insurer for alternative accommodation. There are also major implications for the damage management industry, who need to understand if and how components can be repaired. Therefore, it is crucial that the construction industry demonstrates the practicality and that the cost of repairs have been considered and are straightforward. What can be done to address these issues? The ABI set out the following which will help answer some of the issues above, including: 1 Development of standards and certifications – The development of standards and certifications for the various types of MMC would go a long way to providing confidence to insurers that the buildings are constructed to a high standard and will perform in a predictable way. It could enable insurers to develop an effective rating system that will incorporate both resilience and repairability, as well as providing a guide to insurers and damage management professionals on the likely risks MMC might incur which will enable both sectors to plan accordingly. 2 Skilled labour – Appropriate and measurable training for those involved in the installation, repair and maintenance of MMC builds must be provided. This will ensure contractors have the required skills and experience to construct and repair MMC builds. 3 Creation of a publicly accessible database – A database that provides key information on all aspects of MMC builds such as the materials, methods and contractors used, as well as the relevant standards or certifications the build has, will provide greater transparency to insurers, damage management professionals and consumers. It will also provide more information on maintaining the building, as well as other benefits such as improving the Fire and Rescue Service’s understanding of how to tackle a fire. 4 Improving consumer awareness – Educational campaigns that raise awareness of the benefits of MMC to homeowners and the effect this has on how their building should be maintained will help increase consumer understanding of MMC buildings, making them more attractive to consumers and therefore boosting demand. MMC present the Government with an important tool in helping to address the housing crisis. By providing high quality, safe and sustainable buildings at affordable costs and in relatively quick time, MMC can enable the Government to both meet their housing target and provide a boost to the construction sector. However, for these benefits to be felt fully, there is still work to be done. Modern Methods of Construction By James Dalton - Association of British Insurers (ABI) James Dalton guest featureIt's never too late for a BDMA membership... bdma membership Accredited membership is at the heart of the BDMA’s structure. It provides a framework for professionals in the damage management and wider industry, and it allows them to prove their competence and commitment to deliver industry best practice. A BDMA membership is a highly respected accreditation and is renowned across the supply chain. All of our memberships are tailored to provide great benefits for those wishing to gain a professional qualification and learn more in the field, whatever your job role or seniority level may be. There are a number of different memberships available for both individuals and organisations: •An Accredited Membership is available to practitioners working in damage management and associated industries, and is achieved by examination. •A Corporate Accredited Membership is open to organisations who meet strict criteria and have a specific percentage of staff who are able to be Accredited Individual Members, in the relevant categories. •An Associate Membership is open to any individual with an interest in damage management and the wider industry, and is a requirement for practitioners wishing to gain accreditation in the damage management sector. •A Corporate Associate status is open to any organisation wishing to show support for the BDMA and the damage management industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re working at a junior or senior level, or as a technician, insurer or other – a BDMA membership offers continuous development and improvement, tailored for you. We currently have over 2,000 members working across all of the above roles in the wider industry. Your BDMA membership stays with you, wherever you go – whether you move organisations to progress your career, or you are looking to change your job role, the BDMA has the training and learning resources available to support you through these transitions. With 24/7 access to our online learning platform the BDMA e-Academy, and resources including technical and research papers, sector information and support, publications and journals of standards, our members have the support and education materials to constantly develop across the industry. Are you interested in a BDMA membership? Find out more at www. accreditation/route-to-accreditation Upcoming BDMA examinations in 2019 26 th July Market Harborough 18 th October Market Harborough 20 th December Market Harborough Note: Dates may be added to accommodate the increasing demand for accreditation. All dates, venues and booking information are posted on the BDMA website. Details may be subject to change. Candidates are advised to book as early as possible using the BDMA website. Except from mitigating circumstances, a cancellation fee of £15.00 plus VAT is payable if less than 10 days’ notice is given. Full details of all Categories & Criteria and the Route to Accreditation can be found in the Membership and Accreditation section on the website. All individual BDMA members and associates are required to own a copy of the BDMA Standards, which are provided free of charge. 18 bdma membershipSPONSOR SHOWCASE Sponsorship The BDMA offers a number of sponsorship opportunities aimed at organisations wishing to promote their support for the Association. Find out more about becoming a sponsor by emailing or calling 01858 414278. Gold Sponsors Edge Equipment Hire Silver Sponsors Legend Brands Europe ServiceMaster Clean Bronze Sponsors CRL Fire & Flood Damage DBK Drymatic Humidity Response Ltd Ideal Group Response CleanSafe The Forshaw Group Company: DBK Drymatic Company description: The DBK Drymatic System is one of the world’s most advanced heat drying systems for the water damage restoration market and is part of the DBK Group. BDMA Sponsorship type: Bronze Sponsor Name: Alan James, Business Development Manager How does being a BDMA sponsor benefit your organisation? The BDMA is considered the leading training association in the UK Damage Management industry; it is widely accepted and endorsed by both damage management practitioners and insurance professionals. DBK is extremely passionate about training and the future development of the damage restoration industry, so we consider our association with the BDMA to be incredibly important to us – and the wider industry. DBK proudly sponsors the BDMA and in return, the sponsorship opens the door to a wide range of benefits for the company, such as access to industry focused events including the BDMA Conference, regional training courses, masterclasses, e-Learning courses and more. 19 sponsor showcaseNext >